Due to the changing reality and the NATO doctrine enhancing mobility of military units, Algeco decided to meet the requirements by developing new mobile systems and enhancing the existing concepts. The Company has filled a market niche and gained extensive experience in designing and delivering highly specialized solutions for different industries and markets – onshore, offshore and military & relief.
Algeco has been delivering field-proven and highly mobile shelter systems and container solutions for the Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Belgian, Romanian, British, American and Dutch armies, as well as NATO, including, but not limited to: Operating Theatres, Hospital Units, Sanitary Containers, Office Modules, Accommodation Modules, Reefers, Kitchens, Laboratories, Laundries, Workshops, Pre-Fabricated Offices and Schools and Ammunition Storages.
The Algeco ISO 20ft CSC-approved and certified 2in1 shelter is developed in Norway. It is manufactured in an ISO 9001 certified facility, guaranteeing the highest quality in all aspects. The 2in1 shelter is manufactured from steel and aluminum, hence the low weight and the robust construction. The container is designed both for military and civilian use.
The 2in1 shelter is transported as a regular 20ft container, by ship, railway, road and air.
Militär och försvar
2in1 Foldable Shelter
På grund av den föränderliga verkligheten och NATOs doktrin om ökad mobilitet för militära enheter, beslutade Algeco att möta dessa krav genom att utveckla nya mobila system och förbättra befintliga koncept. Företaget har fyllt en marknadslucka och fått omfattande erfarenhet av att designa och leverera högspecialiserade lösningar för olika branscher och marknader - onshore, offshore samt militära och hjälpinsatser.
Algeco har levererat fälttestade och mycket mobila skyddssystem och containerlösningar till de norska, svenska, danska, belgiska, rumänska, brittiska, amerikanska och nederländska arméerna, samt till NATO, inklusive men inte begränsat till: Operationssalar, Sjukhusenheter, Sanitära Containrar, Kontorsmoduler, Bostadsmoduler, Kylcontainrar, Kök, Laboratorier, Tvättstugor, Verkstäder, Prefabricerade Kontor och Skolor samt Ammunitionsförvaring.
Algecos ISO 20ft CSC-godkända och certifierade 2in1 skyddsrum är utvecklade i Norge. De tillverkas i en ISO 9001-certifierad anläggning, vilket garanterar högsta kvalitet i alla aspekter. 2in1 skyddsrummet är tillverkat av stål och aluminium, vilket ger låg vikt och robust konstruktion. Containern är designad för både militärt och civilt bruk.
2in1 skyddsrummet transporteras som en vanlig 20ft container, med fartyg, järnväg, väg och flyg.
Due to the changing reality and the NATO doctrine enhancing mobility of military units, Algeco decided to meet the requirements by developing new mobile systems and enhancing the existing concepts. The Company has filled a market niche and gained extensive experience in designing and delivering highly specialized solutions for different industries and markets – onshore, offshore and military & relief.
Algeco has been delivering field-proven and highly mobile shelter systems and container solutions for the Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Belgian, Romanian, British, American and Dutch armies, as well as NATO, including, but not limited to: Operating Theatres, Hospital Units, Sanitary Containers, Office Modules, Accommodation Modules, Reefers, Kitchens, Laboratories, Laundries, Workshops, Pre-Fabricated Offices and Schools and Ammunition Storages.
The Algeco ISO 20ft CSC-approved and certified 2in1 shelter is developed in Norway. It is manufactured in an ISO 9001 certified facility, guaranteeing the highest quality in all aspects. The 2in1 shelter is manufactured from steel and aluminum, hence the low weight and the robust construction. The container is designed both for military and civilian use.
The 2in1 shelter is transported as a regular 20ft container, by ship, railway, road and air.
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